Experts Explain Whether LED Face Masks Are Worth It

From the clean girl aesthetic to the internet’s obsession with “status skin”, it’s obvious that clear, wrinkle-free skin is considered to be a badge of prestige. Considering the price, you could say that owning — and showing off — an LED mask is the beauty equivalent of carrying around the latest It bag. Certainly, Lartey believes that LED masks have become a status symbol lately. “Anything extra or outside the [skincare] basics is a luxury, especially in this economy,” she tells me. According to Dr. Kentley, LED masks are by no means necessary — even if they are taking over social media. Take acne and fine lines, for example. Ask any dermatologist and they’ll likely tell you that you can achieve similar results using cheaper skincare products like retinoids or exfoliating acids, which resurface skin, reducing fine lines and unclogging pores. 

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