But what Astrid doesn’t realize yet is a truth that both Ortega and O’Hara — who has two sons — can attest to: The fact that your relationship with your parents changes and evolves as you both get older, and hopefully for the better. “Your world centers around [your kids] when they’re babies [and] it’s so much work but lovely,” O’Hara says. “Later, you really miss that, because then you can’t get them to do anything you want them to do, because they start developing their own minds, their own opinions.” And eventually, you end up in the place O’Hara, whose sons are in their 20s and 30s, finds herself now, able to learn from her kids. ”They’re just such cool young guys,” she says. “I’m not their buddy, but I love having conversations with them and getting to know how they think about life.”