Happy National Sisters Day! Having sisters, whether blood relatives or not, usually holds a special place in our lives and hearts. The Braxtons know the importance of the sisterly bond all too well, as they showcased their unique family values on our television screens for over a decade. However, after taking a short hiatus after the passing of their beloved sister Traci due to esophageal cancer, they are prepping themselves for a grand return to the silver screen.
In this new series, the loveable and relatable Braxton women reunite for the first time since the loss of their sister, offering viewers a raw and unfiltered look at the family’s highs and lows across eight captivating episodes. Toni, Towanda, Trina, Tamar, and their mother, Evelyn Braxton (Ms. E), navigate careers, health challenges, and busy personal lives while strengthening their family’s closeness.
Toni faces a critical health challenge as she prepares for her Vegas comeback. Trina starts therapy for PTSD. Towanda battles alopecia. Tamar focuses on her wellness journey. Ms. E’s cooking show dream is becoming a reality. However, the family reunion continues to bring up questions and unresolved issues. Will Traci’s last wish be enough for the family to be close again, as they once were?
One will have to tune in to find out, but one thing we know that hasn’t changed is the love and close-knit relationship between Towanda and Trina Braxton; we spoke to them both about how they keep their sisterhood strong, grieving the loss of one of their sisters, and what we can expect from this new season of The Braxtons.
ESSENCE: Although you are all close (The Braxtons), you seem to have such a tight bond. Why is that?
Towanda Braxton: We all have seasons of closeness, but I will say that Trina and I are extremely close — we’re almost like twins. We like to think we’re almost like twins because we’re 15 months apart and understand each other. I would have to say that many times when we were filming Braxton Family Values, it was always me, Trina, and Traci, so our bond was slightly different from that of the other sisters. It’s not to say that we’re not close to anyone else in the family; it’s just a different type of bond.
Trina Braxton: Towanda and I always live the closest in proximity. Traci and my brother, Michael, always lived the closest in proximity. Because of that, we are not necessarily separated, but because we live so close to each other, we can’t help but gravitate towards that person who lives closest to us.
What does sisterhood mean to you, and why is it important?
Trina Braxton: Oh, wow. Sisterhood is everything, not because we share the same parents or the same room at one point or another, but my sister, especially Tawanda. I’m not singling anyone out but my best friend in the entire world. We talk on the phone at least eight times a day; we share everything: the hurt, the pain, the happiness. I filmed the birth of one of Towanda’s children. So, my sisterhood with all my sisters is one of the strongest bonds you can ever have. We know where all the bodies are. We know each other’s deepest, darkest secrets, and you know you’re safe. You’re safe with the information they share with you, your heart, and your emotions. When Traci was no longer with us, it was one of the greatest pains I’ve ever had in my life, but at the same token, I could celebrate our previous life together.
Towanda Braxton: Sisterhood is extremely important because it helps you navigate outside friendships. I navigate to friends who have the same personalities as my sisters because it helps me with my relationships with my sisters. You can walk away from friends, but with sisters, you can’t. It is an embedded love and connection that you can’t erase, cut, dismiss, or run from.
I saw some of your grieving process in the episodes regarding Traci, but can you speak to how the loss has impacted you individually and as a family?
Towanda Braxton: I view death and exiting the earth’s world differently than I think some members of my family do. Sean (Towanda’s long-term partner) always tells me I have the innate ability to suppress and release. So, even though Traci isn’t here physically, what I believe to be true, what I know to be true, is that your spirit never dies because you’re a spirit before you become a human. I see her in my dreams, or she comes to visit me, by a hummingbird, because she always told us that if you see a hummingbird, it’s her. But it’s a missing piece in my heart and my life that she’s not physically here, but I’m thankful to God for giving us the gift of Tracy for 50, almost 51 years. I am joyful that she was chosen to be a part of my life.
What is one Braxton family value that translates to your sisterhood?
Trina Braxton: I’m not sure if you would consider this value in a word, but the reality is this: as long as you’re still here, there is time to make amends, and there is no argument. No situation should tear you away from your family hood and your sisterhood. So, as long as there is breath and a new day, there is a moment for a new beginning to restore wherever you thought was lost.
How has your sisterhood evolved over the years?
Trina Braxton: Well, one of the big evolutions for us was boundaries. It’s crazy to say this, but we’re still learning to establish healthy boundaries because sometimes we see each other as those young girls who grew up together and told each other everything. But a new boundary must be set as we evolve and become mothers, wives, and parents. Because when you get married and become a mom, you create your little ecosystem and family.
How are you all planning to celebrate National Sisterhood Day this weekend?
Towanda Braxton: We always want to get a cocktail.
What can viewers expect from this new season?
Towanda Braxton: There will be recaps of previous seasons, including never-before-seen pictures and videos of Traci. There’s going to be love, laughter, joy, tears. It will be the typical but grown-up and evolved Braxton sisters. Elementally, something is missing. Traci is missed. She brought a lot of laughter, a lot of love, and jokes. She bought a lot of things.
The Braxtons will make its debut on August 9 on We TV.