On the 15th, Saturn, the planet of challenge, ends a four-and-a-half month retrograde in Pisces. We’ll continue to feel the post-shadow of this retrograde until January 2025 but our relationship to work and responsibility will begin to ease around this time, allowing us to be more intentional about the projects or roles we take on. On the 19th, a once-in-a-lifetime experience occurs as Pluto re-enters Aquarius, where it’ll remain until 2044. This is setting us up for a cycle of tremendous revolution and social change on personal and collective levels. Nothing will be as it was before. The month ends with the start of Sagittarius season on November 21 at 2:56 p.m. EST. After four weeks of moody, brooding Scorpio energy, the Sagittarius sun helps us remain optimistic and expansive in our approach to life, creativity and love. All zodiac signs benefit from ending the month focusing on adventures we’ve been wanting to go on. It’s best to live our lives fully without regrets, so if your heart is pulling you in a certain direction, heed that call.
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