Cosmic beings, we’re in the second week of Leo season and we’re also experiencing Mercury’s first full week in Virgo as well as the final week of Mercury being direct before it begins its three-week retrograde on August 5. Chiron, the asteroid that rules our inner wounds, is also experiencing its first full week retrograde in Aries, so we’ll collectively be feeling more sensitive and self-protective as July comes to an end and August begins.
During the first few days of August, we’re in the dark-of-the-moon period, making it an ideal time to tie up loose ends and complete pending projects. Once the Leo new moon strikes on August 4 at 7:13 a.m. EST, we’ll feel a charge of energy and momentum, but it’ll be tamed by Venus entering Virgo later that day at 10:23 p.m., followed by the start of Mercury retrograde in Virgo the next day.
This week, all zodiac signs will benefit from balancing our joie de vivre with old-fashioned practicality and groundedness to make sure that our dreams have a solid foundation from which to soar. We’re encouraged to put our bold plans into action but we must do so strategically and with intention.
Read your horoscopes for your Sun and Rising signs for the most in-depth forecast.

Aries Sun & Rising:
Aries, as we bid adieu to July you’ll be in your feels, as this is Chiron’s first week retrograde in your sign. Accept whatever’s coming up for you with a spirit of curiosity, and trust that the Leo new moon on the 4th will help you release any tension through becoming more physically active, playful and creative. Dancing, running, boxing, stretching, swimming and viewing the world as your playground will help you feel more in tune with your body and this will also regulate your emotions.
With your ruler Mars currently in Gemini, your sector of communication and creativity is activated, especially since Jupiter is in Gemini too. You’ll enter the month of August wanting to create a work of art, or complete one that you’ve been slowly but surely bringing to life this year. Just make sure to pace yourself in the creation process because Mercury retrograde begins in Virgo on the 5th and this may slow down your ability to think effectively.

Taurus Sun & Rising:
Taurus, Mercury retrograde begins next week and with your ruler, Venus, entering Virgo on the 4th, you’re going to be mellowing out considerably by the end of this week. But prior to that, we’re in the dark-of-the-moon period as we approach the Leo new moon, which means you may feel moodier than usual. Instead of pushing away or suppressing those feelings, write them down or vent to a close friend or therapist. It’ll do you a world of good.
The first few days of August will also have you reflecting on ways you can let out your truth more consistently with people closest to you. Your sector of money and self-esteem is activated by Mars and Jupiter in Gemini, indicating that in order to get more of what you want, you have to be willing to ask for it, loud and clear. You can start off journaling your desires to yourself first, or leaving yourself a voice note, or even recording a video journal. Then, when you feel ready, repeat the process with the people who have been waiting to understand what’s going on inside that brilliant mind of yours. This will help you feel more emotionally secure.

Gemini Sun & Rising:
Gemini, you’ve been feeling the pre-shadow effects of Mercury retrograde for the past two weeks, and we’re now one week away from Mercury officially beginning its retrograde, on August 4. The days before that, however, we’ll be in the dark-of-the-moon period as we approach the Leo new moon. You may be feeling a bit groggier or misunderstood during this period of time so try not to plan super important meetings or events this week — wait until the new moon strikes.
Instead, as July comes to an end, reflect on what went well in the past month and what you’d like to improve as we enter the eighth month of the year. Life’s going to be very stimulating for you this next month due to Jupiter and Mars both being in your sign at the same time, but it’s also why you should remain focused and organized, or else you may end up taking on too many opportunities and spreading yourself too thin. Discernment and selectivity is key.

Cancer Sun & Rising:
Cancer, we’re approaching a new moon week, which means you’ll be feeling hypersensitive to the energy within and around you. But what else is new? As a moon-ruled being, your emotions change as quickly as the ocean’s tide. Use the final days of Mercury’s transit through Leo to feel empowered about what you’ve been feeling, rather than burdened by it. The more you can view your emotions as a superpower, the more profound your ability to heal and transmute them into an entirely new experience altogether.
This week, we’re in the dark-of-the-moon period, which can highlight subconscious thoughts or fears, especially starting on August 1 when the moon enters your sign. You may initially feel overwhelmed with expectations you have for how this new month should flow, but since we’re in retrograde season and we’re nearing eclipse season, your mission is to train yourself to go with the flow, even if you have no idea where that flow is taking you.
You can practice the art of healthy emotional detachment by paying attention to your breath — it’s impossible to hold onto it. You are meant to breathe in and release the breath out. Use that same perspective when it comes to how you navigate life and its unknowns.

Leo Sun & Rising:
Leo, we’re one week away from your annual new moon and you can feel that everything is changing with the blink of an eye, especially since Mars and Jupiter are both in Gemini right now. This blend of fire-air energy in the cosmos is making you more energetic, but Mercury’s upcoming retrograde through Virgo also asks you to be more practical when it comes to tending to your priorities. It’s important to have fun during your birthday season but you don’t want to overindulge or go to extremes when partying or spending money.
This weekend, the moon starts off in Cancer in your sector of spirituality and closure and then it shifts into your sign on August 3. You may feel so sensitive in ways that initially make you feel uncomfortable but it’s absolutely normal to experience heightened sensitivity as we approach your annual new moon. You’d benefit from journaling your feelings and/or having a therapy session to work out unconscious blockages that you may be navigating. It’s best to bring them to the surface of your mind prior to your annual new moon; that way, once the new moon strikes you can move forward with a blank canvas.

Virgo Sun & Rising:
Virgo, you can tell you’re going through an internal rewiring as well as approaching the start of Mercury’s retrograde through your sign, which will begin next week on August 5. We’re at the peak of the retrograde’s pre-shadow period right now, so your mind may not be moving as quickly as you’re used to, and that may be a sign that you need a bit of a mental and physical break, especially due to the more restless energy in the cosmos now that both Mars and Jupiter are in your fellow Mercurial sign of Gemini. So much is happening at once but it’s not your responsibility to give your attention to everything at the same time.
This weekend, the moon hangs out in Cancer and then shifts into Leo on the 3rd. Your sectors of friendship and spirituality are activated by these lunar transits and you may feel called to be more honest and vulnerable with a past or current friend with whom you had a falling out or with whom you’ve sensed much more distance lately. While you may not work everything out immediately, it’s best to open up these doors of communication prior to Mercury beginning its retrograde, because this can help you both be on the same page and maturely decide on a way forward. It’s also possible that you’ll choose to go your separate ways, especially once the moon enters Leo, and that’s okay too.

Libra Sun & Rising:
Libra, with your ruler Venus spending its final week in Leo, you’re in the mood to play, flirt, have fun and experience pleasure. We’re in the pre-shadow period of Mercury’s retrograde through Virgo though, so if you’re already noticing some delays in travel or communication, it may be a sign to not take things to extremes when partying or connecting with new people, as there may be elements of the situation that you cannot see clearly. Also avoid making promises that you can’t keep during this time — maintaining the integrity of your words and actions is crucial.
As the weekend begins, the Cancer moon squares off (creates astrological friction) with your Libra nature so you may not be in the mood to socialize or be as extroverted as people assume you are. Even once the moon enters Leo on the 3rd and your sector of friendship is activated, the fact that it’s the dark of the moon may lead to you being less trusting of people’s motives, particularly since your ruler Venus is about to enter Virgo on the 4th. Sit with whatever intuitive signals you’re receiving at this time. They’re making themselves known for a reason.

Scorpio Sun & Rising:
Scorpio, if all you do this week is rest and relax, you will have succeeded. Yes, it may be Leo season, and yes, your sector of career and reputation is activated right now, but we’re also a few days away from Mercury retrograde in Virgo and since the Leo new moon doesn’t strike until August 4, the days ahead of this new moon are more about prepping your mind, body and soul for the influx of energy that will be taking place starting next week. There’s therefore no reason to put too much on your plate right now. Less is more.
This may be easier said than done though, because with your ruler Mars currently in Gemini, and Jupiter, the planet of expansion, also in Gemini, chances are that people are going to be coming to you from left and right, seeking your attention and even wanting to collaborate with you on professional and financial projects. If you have any contracts or agreements to sign, this is the week to do so, because Mercury retrograde begins next week in your sector of networking and it may make it hard for you to have clarity on more practical matters.

Sagittarius Sun & Rising:
Sag, so much is shifting within and around you this week as we approach the Leo new moon and the start of Mercury’s retrograde through Virgo and Leo. Spend this week assessing how you can receive more support from your community thanks to Jupiter and Mars both being in Gemini in your sector of partnerships. You’d also benefit from checking in with yourself and seeing how much you’ve been a support system to others these past six months. If you’ve fallen short, you can lovingly hold yourself accountable to be the type of friend that you’d wish to have.
This weekend, the dark-of-the-moon period in Cancer and Leo could lead to you snapping at people close to you, especially if you’ve been dealing with lots of pressure and have been managing it on your own. Instead of burning bridges due to anxiety, you’d benefit from spending more time alone, journaling, leaving yourself voice notes and stretching your body and your mind. Everything will reset for the better once the Leo new moon strikes on the 4th; until then, try to keep your mind lighthearted by not adding more responsibilities to your plate.

Capricorn Sun & Rising:
Capricorn, as we approach Sunday’s Leo new moon, you’re feeling the urge to create greater order in your collaborative relationships, and also to take a look at where most of your energy and resources are currently going and decide what’s worth your continued investment, and what’s best to leave on the back burner. We’re in the dark-of-the-moon period for most of this week, which means your subconscious thoughts are taking up more room in your mind right now. Since Mercury retrograde is also about to begin on the 4th, you may not be thinking in the most efficient of ways, and that’s okay.
Chiron is currently retrograde in Aries, emphasizing your need to confront past hurts that you thought you had gotten over but that you actually had only masked or buried under the rug. Pluto’s also getting ready to retrograde its way into your sign in September for the final time during our lifetime, so it’s normal for there to be unfinished business for you to tend to, both materially and spiritually. Spend the weekend having a heart-to-heart with yourself regarding in what ways you may need to pour extra love, patience and compassion into yourself.

Aquarius Sun & Rising:
Aquarius, this week is about cultivating deeper trust in your relationships — both the ones you have with others and the one you have with yourself. With Leo season activating your sector of relationships and marriage for the next three weeks, you can’t help but think about romance and commitment. This is accentuated by the fact that Saturn, one of your planetary rulers, is currently retrograde in Pisces, activating your sector of security and self-esteem. If you’ve been dealing with insecurities in matters of the heart, use the dark-of-the-moon period before the new moon strikes to honestly assess what those are, and open up the pathway to communication with the parties involved.
Give yourself plenty of time to relax this weekend, as the energy of the pre-new moon will be strong and you may not be in the mood to be productive but rather to laze around and chill with people who encourage you to be your most authentic self. Starting next week, you’ll feel even more drawn to such people in a way that at first may make you uncomfortable due to how passionate your emotions become. For now, embrace the mellowness of your social life without trying to dissect what people’s roles or expectations are. Simply be.

Pisces Sun & Rising:
Pisces, as July comes to an end, you’re reflecting on ways to infuse better self-care regimens into your life. Leo season is activating your sector of health, wellness and routine, and this may also highlight some perfectionist or workaholic tendencies that you’d benefit from nipping in the bud ahead of the September lunar eclipse that’ll occur in your sign. If you’ve been overextending yourself lately, use this last week before Mercury’s retrograde begins to reassess your priorities and ask yourself why you’re pushing yourself so hard.
Remember that Saturn, the planet of responsibility, is currently retrograde in your sign, so if even Saturn is chillin’ and resting right now, shouldn’t you do the same? This doesn’t mean being lazy or complacent but with the Leo new moon striking on Sunday the 4th at 7:13 a.m. EST, you’d benefit from waiting until this lunation has kicked off before attempting to launch any new initiatives or make any grand plans.
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