The October Reset: Here’s How To Refocus Your Career Goals And Finish The Year Strong – Essence

Beautiful African female student sitting at the desk and taking notes while studying from home

By the time October rolls around, it’s easy to feel stuck in the same routine—going through the motions, checking off to-do lists, and realizing that some of those big goals you set back in January are still sitting on the back burner. 

But guess what? The year isn’t over yet, sis! 

Whether you’re striving to land that promotion, thinking about a career pivot, or just wanting to finish the year on a high note, October is the ideal month to pause and strategize. Think of it as a mini-New Year—time to reassess where you’re headed, tackle those lingering projects, and set yourself up for success in the months to come.

After all, a lot can happen in three months when you have a plan in place and the motivation to execute.

Reflect on your wins and challenges.

Before diving into what’s next, take a moment to look back at what’s already been accomplished. What projects did you successfully complete? Where did you feel most energized and fulfilled? On the flip side, identify the areas where you faced setbacks or felt uninspired. This honest self-reflection isn’t about nitpicking—it’s about celebrating growth and understanding where to shift your focus.

Try breaking down your wins and challenges into categories like “Personal Growth,” “Skill Development,” and “Career Milestones.” Seeing your progress laid out this way not only builds confidence but can also help highlight patterns and pinpoint where your energy is best spent moving forward.

Revisit your goals.

Remember those goals you jotted down back in January? Now’s the time to dust them off and give them a fresh look. Ask yourself: Are they still relevant? Do they need to be adjusted or completely reimagined? Maybe that project you thought would take a backseat should actually be your main focus, or perhaps it’s time to let go of goals that no longer serve you.

Set aside some quiet time to rewrite or refine your career goals for the rest of the year, making sure they align with your current vision and aspirations. Think SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-Bound) when crafting your goals, and don’t be afraid to challenge yourself—now is your chance to push beyond what’s comfortable.

Create a 90-day action plan.

With three months left, a 90-day plan is the perfect tool to narrow your focus and set clear, attainable milestones. Break your big goals into smaller, bite-sized pieces that can be tackled week by week. For example, if one of your goals is to elevate your professional visibility, your action plan might include steps like updating your LinkedIn profile, writing a thought leadership piece, and attending a local networking event.

This method not only keeps you accountable but also helps you measure your progress along the way. Celebrate those small wins—it’s those incremental steps that lead to big changes.

Seek out learning opportunities.

October is a great time to sharpen your skills or learn something new that could set you apart in your industry. Sign up for that virtual workshop, attend an industry conference, or grab that book you’ve been meaning to read. Maybe it’s time to dive into a new certification course, explore a new software program, or join a mastermind group that keeps you inspired and motivated.

Investing in yourself now will pay off when it’s time to hit the ground running in the new year. Explore resources that are tailored to Black professionals, like The Black Woman’s Guide to Financial Freedom by Paris Woods, or online communities like Ellevate Network for women looking to elevate their career paths.

Tap into your network.

Take advantage of this transitional season to reconnect with mentors, colleagues, and professional contacts. A quick catch-up over coffee or even a thoughtful LinkedIn message can open doors you didn’t even realize were there. Let your network know what you’re working on, and see if there are any opportunities to collaborate or support each other.

Consider scheduling a few virtual “coffee chats” or attending industry events (even the digital ones!) to rekindle old connections and spark new ones. Your next big opportunity could be one conversation away, so make the effort to show up and be present.

Prioritize self-care.

Burnout is real, and it’s impossible to achieve your goals if you’re running on empty. Use this time to prioritize rest, rejuvenate your energy, and recalibrate. Take stock of your daily habits—are they supporting your goals, or draining your energy? Make a conscious effort to incorporate activities that fuel your mind, body, and spirit, whether that’s a morning meditation, a new fitness routine, or a creative outlet like journaling or painting.

Remember, self-care isn’t just about pampering—it’s about creating space to nourish yourself so you can show up as your best self, both personally and professionally. The more balanced and centered you feel, the better equipped you’ll be to tackle those career goals head-on.

Embrace flexibility.

Finally, remember that your goals aren’t set in stone. Life happens, and circumstances change. Embracing flexibility doesn’t mean giving up—it means adjusting and adapting to make sure you’re still on the right path. If you’ve been laser-focused on one goal all year but feel a tug toward something else, listen to that inner voice.

Allow yourself the grace to pivot and trust that whatever direction you choose, it’s still a step forward. Flexibility is what turns roadblocks into detours—and sometimes, those detours can lead to even greater destinations than you imagined.

October is your chance to press pause, refocus, and finish the year on a high note. By taking intentional steps now, you can create a strong foundation for achieving your goals—not just for the rest of the year, but for 2025 and beyond. So, go ahead and make the most of this season—because the best time to reset your career is right now.

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