This month, things will get intense around work routines and health as Mercury transitions into the zodiac sign of Virgo, on August 4 until August 27. Giving those around you grace will be essential, due to the lack of communication that may arise during this period.
On August 18, Mercury moves into the sign of Leo through August 28. This energy may cause you to reconsider your opinion on romance—and perhaps get serious about your relationship.
You may also start to gravitate toward familiar habits from childhood days. Focus on mastering your innate talents completely before picking up another skill. Venus enters the air sign of Libra on August 29, challenging us to live according to our values and assess which actions are for our benefit.
(July 22 to August 22)
Be extra careful with your car keys and wallet during this time, as you might become forgetful and misplace some items. Double check any recent bank transactions; there might be some undercover shopping going on that you do not endorse. Maybe it’s time to get a new bank card and upgrade your security.
(August 23 to September 21)
To paraphrase the lyrics of “No. 1” and what Tyla and Tems say so eloquently: “You have to put yourself number 1. No compromisin’.” It’s all about priorities. You would rather be single than be taken for granted. Good for you! Do not settle for anything that’s below your standards, and never let anyone make you think you are asking for too much respect.
(September 22 to October 22)
Caution! Someone will be expressing more than a little aggression toward you that they might have been suppressing for some time. Try to let go of that old habit of snapping back first and asking questions later. Despite any provocation you may encounter, make every effort to remain calm, in order to avoid burning bridges. You never know when you’ll need to tap into those connections, even if they are challenging.
(October 23 to November 21)
You may find yourself running into some technology issues. Your best option is to create several backup files on a flash drive; then save details of any future projects you’d been planning to work on to an extra device. You may not think it is necessary now, but having an additional copy could be more beneficial than you realize and will definitely save you from heartache later on.
(November 22 to December 21)
Business collaborations look to be yielding more positive results than you’d initially expected. Even though sometimes it feels like these opportunities and outcomes are too good to be true, have faith. If you continue to plant good seeds, your harvest is bound to turn out more bountiful each season as the year goes by. Trust that things will always work out for your highest good.
(December 22 to January 19)
Have you considered going vegan? Your taste buds are starting to evolve, and that is changing your relationship with food—in a good way. Being able to invest in your health is not just an underrated luxury; it’s a necessity that you should not take for granted. Check out some vegan recipes; you might become a permanent fan of those healthy and delicious options. Your body will thank you.
(January 20 to February 18)
You are constantly being pressured by your family, and their input is starting to feel more like a burden than like well-meaning advice. You might think you have all the answers, but try to find time to hear what your loved ones have to say—instead of resorting to your usual habit of walking away from your problems. There may be some serious healing that needs to occur. Facing issues head on leads to a better outcome.
(February 19 to March 20)
Music genres come in a wide range of rhythms, patterns, styles and sounds. Getting stuck in one particular groove is something that does not apply to you. Siri plays “Sweet Honey Buckiin” by Beyoncé to show that there are two sides to your personality. Advocate for the things you want in life and, almost miraculously, they will come.
(March 21 to April 19)
A job promotion you’ve been angling for is around the corner, and it is much deserved. Well done! You have been putting in those long hours lately, taking only brief breaks. Now get ready to reap the rewards for your efforts. Consider investing the money that will be coming your way into a 401(k) to start building a safety net.
(April 20 to May 20)
Are you starting to watch more tutorials, to learn different ways of keeping your self-care days on the frugal side and more wallet-friendly? Those videos have been paying off so much that you may have found yourself with a new income stream. Kudos to you! Think about making this new skill a side hustle. Your bank account will thank you for the improvement.
(May 21 to June 21)
Do not engage in drama; it does not benefit you in the long run. Instead of searching for the negative, take the opportunity to plan some time to laugh with friends. That’s a better use of your energy. An ex may show up out of the blue—and seek responses to questions that you’ve left unanswered for too long.
(June 22 to July 21)
Rumors may start to circulate over the next few weeks within your friend groups. Stay neutral; everyone will be coming to you with this new information, hoping for your take. Determine the facts before you weigh in, and move accordingly. Don’t get caught up in the chaos.