Here Are 5 Easy Leg Exercises To Do At Home


This summer, we’re honoring our mind, body, and spirit and accepting the beauty of our bodies

However, that doesn’t mean we have to shy away from giving ourselves a tune-up, and the perfect area to start is your legs. Strengthening your legs boasts multiple positive benefits, like improving posture and making daily movements easier. We have you covered if you want to strengthen and challenge your lower body without leaving your home or, more specifically, your living room or bedroom, without using weights or exercise tools. 

From squats to oblique crunches and good old-fashioned lunges. Check out several easy exercises below!

Jump Squat

  • Start this exercise by planting your feet firmly and slightly wider than hip-width apart.
  • Next, bend forward at your hips and sit back into a squat. Then, bend your knees to make your thighs parallel to the ground. 
  • Once you position yourself, jump into the air high and strengthen your legs. 
  • Land on the floor with soft knees, and do it again. 

Side Step to Squat

  • Start this exercise by standing with your feet together and keeping your core engaged.
  • Next, step your foot to the right so your feet are hip-width apart; then, put your hips back and bend both knees to drop into a wide squat.
  • Finally, straighten your knees and bring your right foot back to your starting position. 
  • Repeat on the other side.

Glute Bridge March

  • Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet hip-width apart, then engage your core. 
  • Keep your core engaged, lift your hips, squeeze your glutes, and hold this position as much as possible.
  • Lift your foot off the floor to bring your knee to your chest.
  • Release your foot on the floor and lift your other foot up.
  • Continue to do the marching positions while alternating your feet while keeping your feet lifted.

Inner Thigh Raises 

  • Be sure to lay down on one side of your body with your legs straight, on top of each other. 
  • Next, cross your legs on top of each other and bend your knees to facilitate the position. 
  • Finally, slowly lift your bottom leg toward the ceiling while keeping your core engaged and torso stable.

Lateral Lunge

  • Put your feet together with your hands placed on your hips. 
  • Take a huge step out, and once your foot hits the floor, bend forward at the hips, push your sit bone out, and bend your right knee into a lunge. 
  • Complete your reps on both legs.

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