Actress Gabourey Sidibe seems to be seamlessly embodying the motherhood role. The 41-year-old’s husband, Brandon Frankel, shared a candid photo of the Glow, Girl! actress and her twin children, Cooper and Maya, smiling and dripping with joy. Sidibie wore a printed dress, some curls, and a larger-than-life smile, while the twins also wore the most adorable smiles.
“MY THREE FAVE PEOPLE! My heart is bursting,” the caption under the image Frankel posted read. “So much love in this house. I live to make these people laugh and smile- I’ll do anything to get it done, zero shame. I love you all so much 😭❤️”
Frankel often shows his wife and kids love online, expressing how happy he is to be a father and husband. Speaking of which, earlier in September, Frankel posted another image of Gabby and the twins (they’ve grown so much since that image!).
“One of my favorite views in the entire world! My heart can’t take it. They were so small and my wife is so pretty 😭😭😭❤️ Mother of the century award goes to @gabby3shabby,” he said earlier in September.
The happy family expanded by two little humans in April when she gave birth. After going for a routine checkup, the actress ended up in the delivery room. They shared the news about being pregnant with the world back in February.
When the couple began their romance, they got engaged in 2020 and married in 2021 after meeting on a dating app called Raya. They celebrated their anniversary back in March, just a month before giving birth.
Sidibe explained how the twins got their names in an interview earlier this year.
“Brandon always wanted to name a son Cooper, so we call him ‘Coop,’ and Maya was named shortly before our baby moon to the Mayan Riviera in Mexico,” Sidibe said. “Both twins have traditional West African middle names after members of my family.”
We love to see their home bustling with joy and look forward to seeing the twins grow!